Archive of ‘Ziabong’ category

My World

When I read The Last Cuentista, it was a totally new genre, and probably new for everyone in the class. Mexican folklore and Sci-fi is not a mix that I have ever encountered. But it was a brilliant book, taking winding turns that I never would have expected. The Last Cuentista is about a 12 year old girl who goes to a different planet because earth is being destroyed. Sadly, her grandmother is going along with the earth. The spaceship is high tech, and will keep them trapped through time for over 300 years until they arrive at the next planet. Little did they know they were trying to erase the kid’s memories and make them servants, like robots. Petra is trying to find her parents, while also trying to use the power of stories from her grandmother to keep the children’s’ memories of earth and their parents alive.

The power of stories is a key concept. She had to keep the stories going, and they were the one thing that lit her up when she was feeling helpless. Keeping stories going is important because a lot of them are passed down from our ancestors and are part of our culture. So keeping these stories alive, is also keeping part of our culture alive along with them.

Coming off of the topic of traveling to a new topic, we were asked to make our own ideal world, our own ideal planet. It was really fascinating to get to make all the decisions. That means, I got to create a planet, even if there was magic, or it was totally unrealistic to let say, earth. I got to create the wildlife, and I chose  to make continents reflecting the four seasons. This project does make you think about what you wish the world would be, and what you wish it wouldn’t be, for example, my world wouldn’t be polluted, and it would have a sunset sky all day and night long.

After we made our ideal world and put it down on a google doc, we made a planet book. We had a guest local artist named Peg Gignoux come and help us create the cover, and press and ink nature into paper using akua ink. We also had a surprise opening in our book reflecting on a scene we could find in our ideal world, and a way to see it. I used leaves that I pressed, and the scene I used was from the continent of autumn. We folded, cut, and eventually, made round covers for the whole planet appeal.then, we put our planet’s name on the cover. My planet’s name is planet Ziabong, named after the luscious ziabong fruit. 

In conclusion, this was a great activity in our language arts class that made us think, and pushed us to make the world we wanted to see, to be creative, and to put ourselves in the shoes of others. I really enjoyed this project, and am seriously considering taking the ideal world to a new level, and even writing a book about it, because you can be creative, and it will unfold in front of your very eyes. Because of this, I encourage you, the viewer of this post, to take at least five minutes, if not more to consider what your ideal would look like. You can think about this anywhere, in bed, a brain break from working, and feel free to jot your thoughts down.

My Ideal World : Planet Ziabong

Come visit planet Ziabong, named after the giant Ziabong fruits. Ziabong fruits taste like any delicious tropical fruit you like, growing everywhere except for that one sixth of the planet. For the actual planet, there are continents that are like the seasons we have here in terms of weather, and/or visuals. One continent has lots of plant and animal life, that is sunny, but not too hot like spring. Time goes faster there than on earth, so plants grow full sized within a week. There could also be a continent with wind, and autumn colored leaves like fall. One that’s hot and sandy, like summer, but not like a desert. This would be the smallest continent, with beautiful beaches and tropical fruit trees. Last but not least, a continent like the Arctic. The continent of life would be barely connected, the others, islands.

Some animal life that you would be able to find there would be not many insects, (except ones that are really necessary) there is an uncountable number of different species of animals. There are animals that you never have even imagined, totally creative, and beautiful. All the mammals and birds, except vultures, are on this planet and a mix of all other types of animals.then, is the giant variety of random creatures.

The conditions on this planet are simple. The air is breathable and you can drink the water safely. The plants are ten times bigger than normal size, so a couple blueberries could be your filling breakfast. There are giant varieties of plants and unprepared foods. All of the animals are vegetarian, yet the population never explodes, surprisingly. The gravity, on the other hand, allows you to jump 15 feet into the air. All the water is warm due to non eruptive underwater volcanoes.

Outside of this planet, it orbits around a slightly dim giant star. It has three moons, with no possible life, and the sky always looks like a sunset. Light also comes from bioluminescent plants in all continents, and a special tree with glowing orbs on it. The orbs are holdable, but they are pretty warm, and catch fire easily. The grass is soft and fluffy as well. 

Some special features that are added to this are clouds three feet from the ground that animals can securely sit on, and waterfalls pooling out. There are also no carnivorous plants that could harm anyone or anything. There is a sixth of the planet with no life. It has rough terrain, and there is nearly no soil to plant things. But most places you go are guaranteed to have a beautiful landscape to feast your eyes on.

Ziabong is a nice place to live for most animals and many reasons. With beautiful landscapes, colorful continents, and delicious, giant fruits, who wouldn’t want to at least tour there? Enjoy calming hot springs, relaxing clouds to read on, and many other various features. Come visit Ziabong today!